Jackson to lead government review of fixed recoverable costs

vendredi 11 novembre 2016

Lord Justice Jackson is to lead a new review of fixed recoverable costs, HM Judiciary announced today. Commissioned by the lord chief justice and master of the rolls, the review will take forward the government’s commitment – outlined in September – to a new costs regime.

Jackson has been a prominent advocate of a blanket extension of fixed costs and has previously argued for them to apply to all civil claims worth up to £250,000.

Jackson, whose last costs reform proposals were largely adopted in April 2013, will formally begin the review in January but will ask for submissions immediately, with the process complete by 31 July 2017.

‘Although the momentum is heavily for reform, the review will provide ample opportunity for comments and submissions on the form and scope that reform should take,’ said Jackson.

Lord Justice Jackson

‘I am inviting the views of practitioners, users of the civil courts and any other interested parties on these points. Seminars will be held in London and elsewhere to discuss the issues. There is a great deal to be done on the detail of the review, which will inform the government as it prepares proposals for formal consultation in due course.’

The terms of reference state that proposals will ensure the costs of going to court are ‘more certain, transparent and proportionate for litigants’.

It will consider the types and areas of litigation in which such costs should be extended, and the value of claims to which such a regime should apply.

Jackson has invited written evidence or submissions to assist the review by Monday 16 January 2017, to be sent to: fixed.costs@judiciary.gsi.gov.uk.

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Jackson to lead government review of fixed recoverable costs

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